Welcome to ASPO Abstract Submission!

49th Annual Meeting

April 6-8, 2025

Loews Philadelphia

For Submission of oral presentations and posters at ASPO’s 49th Annual Meeting.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 11:59 pm PST.

ASPO encourages members and non-members to submit an abstract for consideration as either an oral or poster presentation. All abstracts must be data-driven.

The four main symposia for the 2025 Annual Meeting are:

  • Integrating Social Determinants of Health to Advance Molecular Epidemiology
  • Misinformation and Infodemics: Implications for Cancer Control
  • Pragmatic Trials and Implementation Science in Cancer Prevention and Control
  • New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science in Cancer Prevention and Intervention

Abstracts are sought in the following topic areas:

  1. Cancer Health Disparities
  2. Behavioral Science & Health Communication
  3. Early Detection & Risk Prediction
  4. Global Cancer Research
  5. Lifestyles Behavior, Energy Balance & Chemoprevention
  6. Molecular Epidemiology & Environment
  7. Survivorship & Health Outcomes/Comparative Effectiveness Research

New Topics for 2025:

  1. The Environment and Cancer
  2. Cancer-Related Policy
  3. Community & Science

Looking Back, Thinking Forward Sessions

We will first “look back” at the history of a topic area with a senior investigator in the field and then “think forward” with five-minute flash talks from junior investigators and/or trainees. Flash talks will selected from submitted abstracts. If you’d like to be considered, please select the appropriate session below under preferred format. Looking Back, Thinking Forward Session Topics:

  • The Untapped Potential of Lung Cancer Screening
  • Evolving Approaches and New Directions in Cancer Prevention and Screening Equity
  • Evolution of Chemoprevention and Early Discovery
  • Advancing Equity in Cancer Care Delivery

ASPO abstract review process is:

  • The ASPO Program Committee, along with volunteer reviewers, will review all abstracts and rank them based on a merit scoring system.
  • The highest scoring abstracts will be selected for oral presentation.
  • The top 16 abstracts will be published in a 2025 issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.

Please adhere to the following instructions to receive full consideration:

  1. List title of abstract in Title box
  2. List authors (last name first initial) in Author box
  3. Select relevant topic area(s). You are welcome to select up to two areas.
  4. Indicate preference for oral presentation or poster and if the corresponding author is a trainee (pre-doc, post-doc).
  5. Provide a structured abstract (up to 2300 characters including spaces) with these sections:
    1. Purpose of the study (one sentence if possible);
    2. Methods;
    3. Results (adequate to support conclusion);
    4. Conclusions (Do not use phrases such as “The results will be discussed”).
    5. No illustrations are permitted in this section.
  6. List 2-3 Key words.

It is NOT possible to save partially completed abstracts. Therefore, we recommend that the complete document be prepared and finalized, then cut and pasted into the appropriate fields. Please note that it will not be possible to edit an abstract after it has been submitted.

**IMPORTANT** If you do not receive a confirmation email (check your spam box also) after submitting your abstract with the text exactly as you submitted, please contact Stephanie Garwood at [email protected].

If your abstract is accepted, the corresponding author (or designated co-author) must register and attend the ASPO conference; otherwise, the abstract will be withdrawn.

General Information

Enter the title of your abstract. Please use Title Case.

You may enter up to 15 authors here. Enter in the format of Last Name followed by first and middle initial (i.e. Smith AB).


Please consider my abstract for: (check all that apply)

Abstract Content

Are you a pre-doc or post-doc trainee?

Post-Doc Trainee
Not a Trainee

Enter the text of your abstract in the box. You can use up to 2300 characters, including spaces.

Contact Person

Enter details for corresponding author.

Mailing Address

Travel Awards

Would you like to be considered for the Electra Paskett Annual Scholarship Award?

The Electra Paskett Annual Scholarship Award is given for the top ranking abstract submitted by either a pre or postdoctoral fellow. It will cover registration and up to $1,000 in travel-related expenses for ASPO 2025. This award is named in honor of ASPO's past president for her outstanding commitment to mentorship and training and in recognition of her visionary leadership.

Would you like to be considered for the ASPO Scholarship Awards for Pre- and Post-doc trainees?

ASPO Scholarship Awards are given to top-ranking abstracts submitted by pre- or post-doctoral trainees. They cover registration and up to $1,000 in travel-related expenses for ASPO 2025.

Would you like to be considered for the Calle/Rodriguez Memorial Minority Travel Award for a Top Ranked Abstract?

The Calle/Rodriguez Memorial Minority Travel Award is given for two top ranking abstracts submitted by full-time graduate or medical students, residents, clinical or postdoctoral fellows, or junior faculty members from groups considered to be underrepresented in cancer research (African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Native-Americans, Native Pacific Islanders/Hawaiians, and Alaska Natives), as defined by the NCI. Each award will cover regstration and $1,000 of travel related expenses to the ASPO conference. This award is named in honor of Dr. Jeanne Calle and Dr. Carmen Rodriguez who were outstanding scientists, valued colleagues, and committed mentors to many at the American Cancer Society.


Accepted abstracts will be compiled into the Book of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings for wide distribution. Abstracts that do not follow the above format may not be included. By submitting an abstract, you authorize its inclusion in these publications with minor edits as needed.

Please note that once you click on the button below, your abstract will be submitted and no further changes can be made. We appreciate your interest in this conference.